"Seal it with a kiss,
there’s no need to worry
what comes after this.”
-Kerry Charles
Role: Creator, Writer, & Designer
It’s easy to think of swag for a musician. Records, Tees, Posters, etc. It’s much harder to create something interactive, or authentically tied to the music. Kerry Charles is an artist that I can only describe as a tidal way of sensuality packed into an mousy, anxious body. His new record I Think of You finds a delightful balance between sexy and awkward—it’s full of characters yearning to satisfy their desires, only to run into their own shortcomings. As a way to describe vulnerability, it rings true to me. Love is a strange, delicious mess.
When it came time to promote the album, Kerry and I wanted to create something experiential for people to do while the record played. In our video for Seal it With a Kiss our protagonists played a romantic card game to spice up the mood. This was a joke in the video, but when Kerry started planning to promote his album we decide to upgrade it from a joke to a real idea. The result is a 72 deck card game, designed to take a couple into new territory.
Game Mechanics
The game mirrors the themes of the album—probing fears and anxieties about love and romance in the sexiest way possible.
The game mechanics are simple. The deck is split into two types: conversation cards, and dare cards. Some conversation cards encourage you to listen to a track while you’re discussing, as the themes of the card are mirrored in the track. Romantic partners get together, shuffle the deck, draw cards and follow the prompts.
The conversation cards encourage you to be vulnerable—sometimes really vulnerable—and the dare cards encourage you take things in a sexy direction. So often, we try and compartmentalize these two experiences, but we wanted to encourage you to have fun balancing the two at the same time.